2024 Intentions

It’s that time of year again, and this exercise is something that really paves the way for what I need to focus on in the coming year. I’m not super hard or strict with myself to keep all of my intentions (otherwise known as resolutions or goals), but more so use them as a guideline for things I’d like to prioritize.

This upcoming year I’d like to focus on putting more control over my time. I often find myself struggling to find a good balance or consistent routine in my days. Being a mom, wife and doing freelance design demands such different versions of myself that I often feel chaotic and I’d like to get better about my time for each instead of feeling overwhelmed or like I’m not being the best at each category as possible. 

So, let’s dive into my 2024 intentions!

+ Patience with the kids: This is number one for a reason. As a sahm (stay at home mom) I’m spending a ton of time with the kids and I find myself snapping a lot more. I know it’s bound to happen, but I really feel my fuse getting shorter and shorter with each passing little incident. I constantly have to remind myself that they are little and I need to be way more patient, even if it requires me to repeat myself or try to rationalize with a very upset kid. You can read all the blog posts or instagram reels that tell you how to respond to upset children, but sometimes those reminders go out the window you just lose it. I’m sure all parents can relate, but the whole “why don’t you listen?!” frustration is just so real. It’s probably more of a me problem, but it is something I am going to be the most intentional about in 2024.

+ Refine my morning routine: My children have turned me into a morning person over the years and while I’m awake at VERY early hours most days, I still need to establish a routine in those hours or create space for myself before they wake up. The moment they are awake it’s “go time” so I would like to work on prioritizing a routine much like my kids routine for myself. More often than I’d like to admit my morning gets derailed by a crying child or a work project and then I forget to finish up my own routine. Maybe I need to get myself an aesthetic sticker chart to put next to my toddlers to make sure I get my morning routine under control.

+ More self-care days & a workout plan: I often feel guilty taking time for myself. As moms, we spread ourself SO thin that even a few extra minutes in the shower is considered self care, but I think for my mental sanity (and overall mood towards everyone) I need to make a point of carving out time for myself to actually relax. Included in this is a workout routine. The time has come that this girl needs to get her fitness game back on because 2 days a week on the Peloton is just not going to cut it. Even if I need to add the kids to my fitness plan, it is going to happen.

+ Simplifying & define what I like: I have a love hate relationship with Instagram and social platforms. I love seeing what people are up to and exploring new styles, but I find myself comparing and I DO NOT like that. I constantly add to cart when I see an outfit I like or a rug that might make my house look better and it is SO not necessary. I never end up wearing what I find because hello, all I wear are workout clothes to keep up with my little ones at the park. My goal this year is to define my style, simplify what I have and embrace what I like (even if it’s not on trend). As far as home decor… I love it all and I constantly want to have my home look like Amber Interiors stopped by, but that’s 100% not realistic right now and that’s OK. Let’s all embrace not having an Instagram home. 

+ Upgrade my cooking skills: This is the year of health for all of us and that means I will be spending a lot more time in the kitchen. Let’s see if I can get my 3 year old to like vegetables this year. I just got the cookbook “The Defined Dish” and I’m excited to make her recipes! I’ve tried a few already and I LOVE. If they turn out well, I’ll be sure to post them on IG.

+ Make more coffee at home
+ Have weeks of no unnecessary spending
+ Make more videos & post on IG more (I find myself looking at my own feed almost every night to look at memories with my babies)
+ Less small talk and more intentional conversations with people
+ Make more mom friends
+ Stop caring what people think… because people care way less than we think they do.
+ Sign up for a class (even just a workout class)
+ Continue having weekly date nights with my husband

I’m sure I will think of more, but that’s all for now. I like to keep the goals fairly attainable, which I feel is the key to achieving them. I hope you are enjoying your holiday. See you in 2024!

xo, Amber


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